Klasifikácia: 02.2.6
- Hauser, Kornelia - Andresen, Sünne - Dietrich, Gabriele - Heinrich, Gisela - Ivekoviæ, Rada - Kempf, Ursula - Ketelhut, Barbara - Kohne, Christiane - Köhn, Brigitte - Kreutz, Maren - Milz, Helga - Niehof, Erika - Pieper, Marianne - Ralfs, Ulla - Haug, Frigga

Geschlechterverhältnisse und Politik. / red. Pühl, Katharina; aut. Hauser, Kornelia, aut. Andresen, Sünne, aut. Dietrich, Gabriele, aut. Heinrich, Gisela, aut. Ivekoviæ, Rada, aut. Kempf, Ursula, aut. Ketelhut, Barbara, aut. Kohne, Christiane, aut. Köhn, Brigitte, aut. Kreutz, Maren, aut. Milz, Helga, aut. Niehof, Erika, aut. Pieper, Marianne, aut. Ralfs, Ulla, aut. Haug, Frigga. - 1. vyd. - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp Verlag, 1994. - 309 s. - (Gender Studies - Vom Unterschied der Geschlechter)

ISBN 3-518-11730-0

Anotácia:  Autorky: Judith Butler - Nancy Fraser - Atina Grossmann - Bonnie Honig - Lissi (Elisabeth) Klaus - Gudrun-Axeli Knapp - Hilge Landweer - Andrea Maihofer - Linda Nicholson - Katharina Pühl - Iris M. Young
Zur internationalen Diskussion um Marxismus-Feminismus
Die wichtigen Debatten:
Das Persönlische ist politisch. Geschichte eines Postulats
Die Frauenfrage
Marxismus-Feminismus, Trennungen und Zusammenhänge
Die Bestimmungen der Frauenfrage - Auf der Suche nach Einheit
Die Debatte um die Hausarbeit
Die unvollendete Aufgabe einer marxistischen Fassung der Frauenfrage
Hausarbeit und Frauenbefreiung
Nachtrag zu Hausarbeit und Familie
Frauen als Klasse
Alle sind Schwestern
Die Patriarchatsdebatte
Aufgaben und Probleme einer sozialistischen autonomen Frauenpolitik
Politiktheoretische Feldbesichtigung
Frauenbewegung und Parteistruktur
Problem-Rekapitulation Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit
Allgemeine politische Bedigungen
Verschiebungen im Politikfeld
Noch einmal zum Marxismus und Feminismus
Die Familie als Brutstätte der Revolution
Familienpolitik in der Arbeiterbewegung
Durch ihre Hände gehen Millionen
Zur Konstruktion der Konsumentin
Knorrig wie eine Eiche
Revolutionäre Kämper und Revolutionstheorie
Verläßliche Frauenpersonen und Luxusdamen
Anknüpfungpunkte für eine emanzipatorische Frauenpolitik
Zur proletarischen Frauenbewegung ...für den Kampf in Reih und Glied Ihrer Brüder
Zur bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung: "Frauenrechtlerei" in "kapitalfrommer Demuth"?
K¾úèové slová : 02.2.6
Poznámka:  prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (antológia) Signatúra: 398 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 01.1
- Alanen, Leena - Barrett, Michele - Caplan, Coren - Cockburn, Cynthia - Freundlich, Elisabeth - Haraway, Donna - Haug, Frigga - Ivekovic, Rada - Johnson, Betty - Langensberger, Melanie - Laudan, Marion - Osterkamp, Ute - Rose, Hilary - Rossanda, Rossana - Seddon, Terri - Serur, Raquel - Tata, Libby Arcel - Weber, Claudia

Viele Orte. Überall? : Feminismus in Bewegung: Festschrift für Frigga Haug. / Edit. Hauser, Kornelia; Alanen, Leena, Barrett, Michele, Caplan, Coren, Cockburn, Cynthia, Freundlich, Elisabeth, Haraway, Donna, Haug, Frigga, Ivekovic, Rada, Johnson, Betty, Langensberger, Melanie, Laudan, Marion, Osterkamp, Ute, Rose, Hilary, Rossanda, Rossana, Seddon, Terri, Serur, Raquel, Tata, Libby Arcel, Weber, Claudia. - 1. vyd. - Hamburg/Berlin : Argument Verlag, 1987. - 256 s.

ISBN 3-88619-365-9

Anotácia:  Inhalt:
Produktive Kulturezrstörungen. Aufenhalt in Australien
Mutter - Tochter
Geschlecht, Gender und unbewußte Gesellschaft
Notiz beim Lesen von "Sexualisierung der Körper"
Späte Gewinne
Vom Kind zur Frau. Für eine Theorie weiblicher Sozialisation
Bin ich ein mensch oder nicht? Die Schizophrenie des Mensch-sein-wollens
frauen und Gewalt. Thesen zu einer nicht geführten Diskussion
Der leere Platz des Anderen. Postmodernes Denken und Frauenbefreiung
"Differenz" und Differenzen. Drei Bedeutungen eines Begriffs
Das Doppelgesicht der Einsamkeit
Die Zukunft träumen. Feminismus und Science-fiction
Tata Iphigenie: Opfer oder Täter?
Von Siegfried zu Rambo. Männerträume und neue Besetzungen des Mythos
Frauenquoten und Männerjustiz
Ausschließende Einschließung. Frauen und Wissenschaften
Sie wußte, was sie wollte; Dr. med. Dorothea Christina Erxleben (1715-1762)
Frauen in Männerberufen. "Soziale Schließung" und Feminisierung
Wenn sie Sozialisten uns zuhören würden
In der Arbeit zu Hause sein?
K¾úèové slová : 01.1
Poznámka:  prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 2793 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 03.1
- hooks, bell - Barnett, Hilaire - Brownmiller, Susan - Bunch, Charlotte - Copellon, Rhonda - Crenshow, Kimberley - Daskalova, Krassimira - Eriksson, Laes - Charlesworth, Hilary - Ivekovic, Rada - Liborakina, Marina - Limanowska, Barbara - MacKinnon, Catharine - Millet, Kate - Mröevic, Zorica - Pharr, Suzanne - Reilly, Niamh - Schneider, Elisabeth - Steinberg, Ronnie - Weisberg, Kelly - Wieckowska, Katarzyna

Theory of violence and woman's human rights : Winter term 2002/2003. / zost. Mrševic, Zorica; aut. hooks, bell, aut. Barnett, Hilaire, aut. Brownmiller, Susan, aut. Bunch, Charlotte, aut. Copellon, Rhonda, aut. Crenshow, Kimberley, aut. Daskalova, Krassimira, aut. Eriksson, Laes, aut. Charlesworth, Hilary, aut. Ivekovic, Rada, aut. Liborakina, Marina, aut. Limanowska, Barbara, aut. MacKinnon, Catharine, aut. Millet, Kate, aut. Mröevic, Zorica, aut. Pharr, Suzanne, aut. Reilly, Niamh, aut. Schneider, Elisabeth, aut. Steinberg, Ronnie, aut. Weisberg, Kelly, aut. Wieckowska, Katarzyna. - 1. vyd. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2002.

Anotácia:  Kelly Weisberg - Sex, Violence, Work and Reproduction
Elisabeth Schneider - The Violence in Privacy
Zorica Mröevic - Belgradeås SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence in Reproducing Gender, Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life after Socialism
Ronnie Steinberg - Social Construction of Skill: Gender, Power and Comparable Work
Catherine MacKinnon - Difference and Dominance: On sex Discrimination in Feminist Legal Theory, Reading Law and Gender
Zorica Mröevic - Incomprehension of Women victims of violence in What can we do for ourselves
Elisabet Schneider - Describing and Changing: Women's Self-Defense Work and the Problem of expert Testimony on Battering
Hilaire Barnett - Women, violence and the Legal System in Introduction to feminist jurisprudence
Kate Millet - Sexual politics in M. Schneir, Feminism
bell hooks - Changing perspectives of Power in Feminist Theory, from margins to Centre
Zorica Mröevic - The Opposite of War Is Not Peace Œ It Is Creativity in Frontline Feminism, Women, War and resistance
Rada Ivekovic - Women, Politics, Peace in Women and the politics of Peace
Marina Liborakina - Women and Politics of Peace: Lessons Learned from the War in Chechnya
Katarzyna Wieckowska - Universal Women ΠQuestion of Identity, Representation and Difference in Gender in Transition in Eastern and central Europe
Krassimira Daskalova - Manipulated Emancipation, Representations of Women in Post-Communist Bulgaria in Gender in Transition in Eastern and central Europe
Catharine MacKinnon - Feminism Unmodified, More than simply a Magazine: Playboy Money
Rhonda Copellon - Intimate Terror, Understanding Domestic Violence as Torture in Human Rights of Women
Zorica Mröevic - When the Home Is Where the Hurt IsŒDomestic Violence in Serbia in The Journal of Gender, Race and Justice
Catherine MacKinnon - Rape: On Coercion and Consent in Sex, Violence, Work and Reproduction
Susan Brownmiller - Against our will: Men, Women and Rape, in Feminism,
Zorica Mröevic- Sexual Abuse as violation of girls' human rights
Barbara Limanowska - Victim referral and assistance system and gaps therein in: Trafficking in human beings in Southeastern Europe
Laes Eriksson- Charges against Prostitution: An Attempt as a Philosophical Assessment
Zorica Mröevic - About Prostitutes and Prostitution in Women for peace
Suzanne Pharr - Homophobia ΠA Weapon of Sexism, Violence is the second mean of keeping women in line
Kimberley Crenshow - Mapping the Margins, Intersectionality, Identity Politics and Violence against Women of Colour,
Hilary Charlesworth - What are "Women's International Human Rights?" in Human Rights of Women
Charlotte Bunch and Niamh Reilly - The Global Campaign: Violence Against Women Violates Human Rights
Accountability: The Global Campaign and Vienna Tribunal for Women's Human Rights
Declaration on Elimination of Violence Against Women
The United Nations Development Fund for Women in Eliminating Violence Against Women
Beijing Platform for Action, Chapter IV/D: Violence Against Women.
bell hooks- Feminist Movement to End Violence
Women's participation and legal rights, Oxfam's Regional Program Proposal for The Middle East, Maghreb, Eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union, and Russia
Violence against women, Oxfam's Regional Program Proposal for Eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union, Russia and the Middle East.

English keywords: War; Myths & Demystification; Structural Sources of Violence; Violence, Law and Punishment; Violence as a Part of Social Character; War as a Paradigm of Violence; Perfect Crime; Images of Violence and Violence of Images in Media; Domestic Violence; Sexual Violence; Prostitution & Sex Trafficking; Violence against Marginalized Women; Legal Aspect; Community Based Aspect
Poznámka:  Prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 4994 vo¾ná

- Anderson, Benedict - Pateman, Carole - St. Martin's Press - Davis, Nira Yuval - Vogel, Ursula - Fanon, Frantz - McClintock, Anne - Chakrabarty, Dipesh - Ivekoviæ, Rada - Friedland, Roger - Hess, Sabine - Maleèková, Jitka - Groot, Joanna de - Baron, Beth - Lake, Marilyn - Magyari-Vincze, Enikõ - Vodenicharov,Petar - Tinsman, Heidi - Bradford, Helen - Deshpande, Satish - Ismail, Qadri - Radcliffe, Sarah A. - Laurie, Nina - Andolina, Robert

Gender, Nation, State : reader. / zost. Loutfi, Anna; aut. Anderson, Benedict, aut. Pateman, Carole, aut. St. Martin's Press, aut. Davis, Nira Yuval, aut. Vogel, Ursula, aut. Fanon, Frantz, aut. McClintock, Anne, aut. Chakrabarty, Dipesh, aut. Ivekoviæ, Rada, aut. Friedland, Roger, aut. Hess, Sabine, aut. Maleèková, Jitka, aut. Groot, Joanna de, aut. Baron, Beth, aut. Lake, Marilyn, aut. Magyari-Vincze, Enikõ, aut. Vodenicharov,Petar, aut. Tinsman, Heidi, aut. Bradford, Helen, aut. Deshpande, Satish, aut. Ismail, Qadri, aut. Radcliffe, Sarah A., aut. Laurie, Nina, aut. Andolina, Robert. - 1. vyd. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007.

Anotácia:  --- Core theoretical readings:
-- Imagined Communities
- Imagined Communities. Relections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism.
- The Sexual Contract
-- Making States, Making Gender
- Introduction to Floya Anthias and Nira Yuval Davis
- Gender and Nation
- The State and the Making of Gender. Some Historical Legacies.
-- Nationalism and Domesticity
- The Algerian Family. Fanon, Studies in a Dying Colonialism.
- Family Feuds: Gender, Nationalism and the Family
- Family, Fraternity and Salaried Labor
-- Nationalism, Normativity, and the Politics of the Exception
- The Fiction of Gender Constructing the Fiction of Nation: On How Fictions are Normative, and Norms Produce Exceptions
- Religious Terror and the Erotics of Exceptional Violence
-- The Gender of Transnational Space
- Feminized Transnational Spaces - Or the Interplay of Gender and Nation.
--- Case studies (historical/contemporary)
-- Cultural Nationalism' and Identity
- Nationalizing Women and Engendering the Nation: The Czech National Movement
- Coexisting and Conflicting Identities. Women and Nationalism in Twentieth- Century Iran
-- Ethnicity and Gender Order
- The Making of the Egyptian Nation
- The Ambiguities for Feminists of National Belonging: Race and Gender in the Imagined Australian Community
- Gender, Ethnicity and the Construction of the Social Order: A View from Below in the Context of Romania
-- National (Re)Entrenchment: Socialist and Neoliberal Regimes
- Restructuring Gender to Preserve Nationalism: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Memory Politics of the Bulgarian Totalitarian State in the 1960s and 1970s
- Reviving Feminist Materialism. Gender and Neoliberalism in Pinochet's Chile
-- Militarised Communities, Gender, and Violence
- RegenderingAfrikanerdom: The 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer War
- Hegemonic Spatial Strategies: The Nation-Space and Hindu Communalism in Twentieth-century India
- Constituting Nation, Contesting Nationalism: The Southern Tamil (Woman) and Separatist Tamil Nationalism in Sri Lanka
-- Transnationalisation
- The Transnationalization of Gender and Reimagining Andean Indigenous Development
Poznámka:  prezenène, dar èitate¾ky
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6222 vo¾ná

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